Tag: Tech

  • Fun(?) with IP ranges

    So, I had this interesting idea with Cloudflare WARP+ with Zero Trust… I usually use WARP to secure my Internet when I’m off my trusted networks, but sometimes I also want to use WARP to connect to internal resources. In general, tunneling IP in WARP works in one of two ways, Exclude and Include, the…

  • Fun with ChatGPT

    Recently, I needed to write a simple little script to import a ProFTPd xferlog file into a MySQL database. Not exactly a difficult task, and certainly something that a lot of people have done before. Not wanting to have to spend ages trying to remember basics around this task, I took to Google, which was…

  • Distilling Traefik lessons learned

    Traefik is, put very simply, a reverse proxy that exposes services (such as web sites) on internal infrastructure to an external world (be that the Internet or a LAN). The most commonly used setup for Traefik is to run it as a Docker container to proxy requests from outside to other containers and services on…

  • Getting logged in to iLO3 with a newer browser

    So iLO3 is a bit long in the tooth, even with the latest firmware (from December 2020), it’s under the impression that TLS 1.1 and AES/3DES are the pinnacle of TLS. There are a number of things you have to do to be able to talk to this beast with a “modern” browser (specifically, Microsoft…

  • Securing a super secret service with Zero Trust

    Picture it, Sicily, 1937… OK, maybe not that. Picture it, you have a custom network service that you want to get at via Cloudflare WARP logged in to Cloudflare Zero Trust, but it isn’t the kind of thing that easily fits into the Public Hostname way of doing stuff (for example, it may run on…